Home: Genealogy: Services: Nominal Index: Adding an Individual:

Add Child: Help

A child is added to a family, not directly to the individual. So to add a child you first edit the families of the individual. Clicking on the Edit Families button, sometimes appearing as Add Spouse or Child on the individual edit dialog for the existing individual, pops up the Edit Marriages dialog. This dialog lists all existing marriages and relationships for the individual, with the associated date and the name of the spouse, and a summary table of children of the selected marriage or relationship. You can choose to edit an existing marriage or relationship, or to add a new marriage/relationship by clicking on either the Edit Family button of an existing relationship, or on the Add Family button. Either button selects a specific family which is displayed in the specific family portion of the page. You use this dialog to identify the child you wish to add, either choosing an existing individual by clicking on the Existing Child button, or adding a new individual to the family tree by clicking on the New Child button.

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Home: Genealogy: Services: Nominal Index: Adding an Individual: