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Recently Added Individuals list: Help

This page presents a list of individuals who were added to the family tree during a specific recent week. If invoked with no parameters it displays the individuals added during the past 7 days. The page has one parameter, "week", which specifies how far back the script is to look. "week=1" is the week ending today, and is the default if no parameter is specified. "week=2" is the week ending one week ago, and so on.

The title of the page identifies the range of dates included.

At the top of the page the total number of matches is presented along with left and right arrows which can be clicked on to go directly to the preceding of following week. A message pops up if you move the mouse over either of these links.

The individuals added during the requested week are presented in alphabetical order by surname and given name, and then by birth date if the names are the same. For each individual the name is presented as a gender qualified link to the individual page, as well as the birth date and death date of the individual, and the names of the individual's parents, if known.

James Cobban Logo Contact Author
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