Subdistrict::getDistrict: 979 District::__construct: 348 Missing District Id value.

$distParms=array ( 'd_census' => \Genealogy\Census::__set_state(array( 'selected' => false, 'row' => array ( 'censusid' => NULL, 'name' => ' Census of Country: \'\'', 'linesperpage' => 50, 'collective' => 0, 'partof' => NULL, 'provinces' => '', 'enummonth' => 4, 'grouplines' => 5, 'lastunderline' => 50, 'idsr' => NULL, 'tablename' => 'Census', 'templatename' => 'CensusForm', ), 'changed' => array ( ), 'former' => NULL, 'extras' => array ( 'year' => '', 'prov' => '', 'countrycode' => '', ), 'table' => 'Censuses', 'prime' => 'censusid', 'template' => NULL, 'lastSqlCmd' => 'SELECT * FROM Censuses WHERE CensusId=NULL', 'needInsert' => true, 'getModeHtml' => false, 'msg' => '', 'debug' => false, 'iterating' => false, 'country' => \Genealogy\Country::__set_state(array( 'selected' => false, 'row' => array ( 'code' => '', 'name' => 'Country: \'\'', 'dialingcode' => '', 'currency' => '', ), 'changed' => array ( ), 'former' => NULL, 'extras' => array ( ), 'table' => 'Countries', 'prime' => 'code', 'template' => NULL, 'lastSqlCmd' => 'SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE Code=''', 'needInsert' => true, 'getModeHtml' => false, 'msg' => '', 'debug' => false, 'iterating' => false, )), 'domain' => NULL, 'domains' => NULL, )), 'd_id' => NULL, )

bad district create

`sd_census` null
`sd_distid` null
`sd_div` $DIVISION
`sd_sched` 1
`sd_name` District Sub-District $SUBDISTRICT
`sd_pages` 50
`sd_page1` 1
`sd_population` 0
`sd_ldsreel` 0
`sd_imagebase` 0
`sd_relframe` 0
`sd_framect` 0
`sd_bypage` 1

Unhandled error 'Call to a member function update() on null' at /home/jamescobban/includes/Genealogy/

Trace: #0 /home/jamescobban/includes/Templating/ Genealogy\FtTemplate->displayBegin() #1 /home/jamescobban/includes/Templating/ Templating\Template->compile() #2 /home/jamescobban/public_html/database/CensusUpdateStatusDetails.php(627): Templating\Template->display() #3 {main}