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Get Address Record: Help

This table contains records representing a fully structured postal address. For example this is used for the addresses of repositories.
Specific records are identified by parameter 'idar'.
You can search for a list of address records by specifying the "kind" parameter, which is required to validate the authority of the current user to view records in this table, plus any of the following:
idar A single integer value or multiple integer values such as "idar[]=55&idar[]=66". Synonym "id". Each value may optionally be prefixed by a comparison operator "<", "<=", "=", "!=", ">=", or ">". If there is no prefix or the prefixes are all '=' then records matching any of the values are returned, otherwise only records that match all of the expressions are returned.
minidar An integer value identifying the lowest IDAR to match. Alternatively you can specify "idar[]=>=minvalue&idar[]=<=maxvalue
maxidar An integer value identifying the highest IDAR to match. Alternatively you can specify "idar[]=>=minvalue&idar[]=<=maxvalue
kind 0=mailing, 1=event, 2=repository. May be a single value or a set of values such as "kind[]=2&kind[]=3". The "kind" parameter is required to validate the authority of the current user to view records in this table.
style 0 = American, 1=European
addrname regular expression pattern match
addrsort regular expression pattern match
address1 regular expression pattern match
address2 regular expression pattern match
city regular expression pattern match
state regular expression pattern match
zipcode regular expression pattern match
country regular expression pattern match
latitude Numeric angle "±ddmmss.fff".
longitude Numeric angle "±ddmmss.fff".
phone1 regular expression pattern match
phone2 regular expression pattern match
email regular expression pattern match
homepage regular expression pattern match
addrnotes regular expression pattern match
private 1 if private.

For example "?table=Address&kind=2&addrname=Family" returns a list of repository address records with addrname including "Family".

James Cobban Logo Contact Author
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