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Edit Citation: Help

A source citation is used to identify the precise location of documentation backing up a conclusion recorded in the family tree database. This dialog is used to modify details of the citation.

The first piece of information displayed is the type of information that this citation documents. For example it might be a birth date. This is set when the citation is first created and identifies exactly where in the database record the details of the fact are recorded. The specific record containing the information being documented is identified by a table identifier, a row number within the table, and a field name within the record. This cannot be modified once the citation is created.

The source from which the information comes, sometimes also called the master source, is a document identified by the selected option in a list of sources. You may change this selection with the mouse. You may create a new master source by selecting the first item in the selection list: "Add a New Source".

The exact location within the document source is identified by a value in a text field. You may change this to identify a different page or record or image within the source.

The actual piece of text from the source may be quoted in a multiple line text area. You can enter thousands of characters of text into this field. This is a graphical user interface text editor with the ability to control the style in which the text is presented to users. However going overboard can detract from the legibility of the generated web pages.

There is a second text field into which you may add your own comments or interpretations relating to this citation. This is also a graphical user interface text editor with the ability to control the style in which the text is presented to users.

Clicking on the "Update Citation" button with the mouse, or pressing the Enter key while the "Update Citation" button has the focus, updates the citation, and closes the dialog.

For additional assistance hold the mouse over the field or button and popup help is displayed relevant to that field.

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