Home: Genealogy: Canada: Censuses: Census Admin:

Census Administration:Districts: Help

This page is used to administer the districts into which the enumeration of a census was divided. For pre-confederation censuses of Canada the districts were counties. For post-confederation censuses they were federal electoral districts.

You get to this administration page from the Census Administration: Choose District page.

This page displays a portion of the table as identified by the request. This normally contains information about 20 districts.

Above and below the displayed table there is a line which displays information about the portion of the table that is displayed. At the left of each of these lines is an "arrow" pointing left. If you click on this arrow with the mouse, or click the "PgUp" button on the keyboard the previous page of information from this table is displayed. At the right of each of these lines is an "arrow" pointing right. If you click on this arrow with the mouse, or click the "PgDn" button on the keyboard the next page of information from this table is displayed.

If you are an administrator at the bottom of the page is a button to apply any changes you have requested. If you click on this button the changes are applied and the updated display is presented.

James Cobban Logo Contact Author